Utilities v. 1.10
I’ve been SCing more recently and only now I uderstood, how usefull it’d be, to have some shortcuts for the usual SL operations.
So, thanks to @Kfay’s suggestion from a couple of months ago, I’ve added six small buttons for the most common logs. After updating the script, you should see something like this in your SL toolbar:
Meaning of the buttons:
N - nub. Status: Good, Flag: None, Notes: “nub added”
B - branch. Status: Good, Flag: None, Notes: “branch added”
D - dust. Status: Good, Flag: None, Notes: “dust added”
M - merger. Status: Good, Flag:None, Notes: “merger removed”
A - AI merger. Status: Good, Flag: AI merger, Notes: empty
W - Watch / Test extension.Status: Watch, Flag: Test Extension, Notes: empty
You can use the buttons both in the inpection and in the overview mode (you have to have a cube selected in ov, just like with regular SL).
After pressing any of the buttons, there will be displayed a short yellow vertical line next to the buttons. The line indicates, that the report is being sent. When reporting is finished, the line will diseappear.
You can hide the buttons in the Settings menu (Utilities category, “Scouts’ Log shortcuts” option).
I suppose, there will be some errors, so don’t hesitate and report them here.
Also add any suggestions, if you think, some other reports are very common, or some of the already added aren’t useful, or the Notes for the reports should be different, or anything else.
As for the colors of the buttons - I’ve chosen them quite randomly to be as visible as possible with the small buttons.
If you’re not sure, what each button does, just hover over the button for a second and there’ll be a small popup saying something like “nub”, “branch” or “Watch / Test Extension”.
You can, of course, still use the SL the normal way, even with the buttons shown.
Buttons are available for Scythes, Mystics and Admins, since Scouts wouldn’t have any use of them.