EyeWire Stats - another TamperMonkey script

hi Kruk

i still have no Profile History since June 24.

Tried to activate from new out from TM/ in EW deactivated, and also from only EW/ TM deactivated. Didn’t help.
Should i contact EW for that?

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Hi @susi

Sorry for that. I remember about that problem, but still don’t know, why it doesn’t work for you. I was researching it, but couldn’t find a reason for that. I was thinking, that maybe the ewstats.feedia.co domain (used for collecting and providing the data) is blocked in Switzerland, but according to various testing websites, it should work there. I’m starting to think, that maybe you have some firewall or an antivirus installed blocking that domain, or your Internet provider blocks it. Or maybe my server block your IP or maybe something completely different.
EW probably won’t help, because the problem is somewhere on the line between your computer and the server collecting the data, but I’ll still be investigating that and maybe I’ll finally find the reason. Sorry again.

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a couple of questions/maybe bugs relating to your version of EWDLC:

  1. sometimes either when i rfr or open browser the tabs dont appear, but the rest of the script obviously is working bc i have other things attached to it like /low-wt or the cell id jump in scouts’ bar, and i have to refresh a few times before they re-appear. Idk why.

  2. on the markup why does it do this:
    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    with some of the chat comments?

when i tried copy pasting that line into the input field (where we write) it had:

i only selected 1 line lol

ad. 1. It happens to me too, when I open the browser (Chrome). However, for me, usually the Accuracy History and Custom Highlight doesn’t work. I guess, it happens because Chrome restores content of tabs from before the closing, but doesn’t load (some) scripts which are loaded via an addon. Didn’t happen to me to have some scripts missing after refreshing. But will check, if there’s a possibility to force loading the scripts.

ad. 2. It happens, because some people use two dashes (–) instead of one. The markup part of the script recognizes it as the tag starting the cursive (<i>) and replaces the dashes with the tag. The closing tag (</i>) isn’t needed, because it’s automatically added by the browser (well, according the specs, the tag is needed, but is added by all browsers anyway, if it isn’t present). So, only such syntax should italicize text: “–text–” but, in practice, “–text” is enough. And, because the 2 dashes were replaced with the tag and selecting and copying a text only copies the text, not the markup, so after pasting such selection, only the text chars are visible.

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  1. great thanks!
  2. oooh ok lol


thanks :slight_smile:


lol, i think where you placed the script is perfect!! i like how it shortened the leaderboard, even if i have to scroll for the bottom more, and it fits nicely there, lol. and maybe it allows for potentially more space for future stuff lol

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Yeah, I was planning, at first, to put it on the left side, under the Start Playing panel, but then found out, that on smaller resolutions it would collide with the chat. So I was thinking about the top and bottom bars but they are also already full on smaller res. So, the next step was some popup on click, but it would lead to a) finding a place for the popup showing button, b) finding a place for the popup, lol. And only then I realize, that I can make some changes in the already existing UI. After that realization, I saw the big Leaderboard, which is scrollable anyway and I knew, where I will put the script. And also on smaller screens both the script and the Leaderboard should be nicely visible. :slight_smile:
And yes, if there’ll be some good ideas for yet another script, I think, I can fit there something more. :smiley:

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can you make it that stashed flagged cubes dissappear after they stash? i dont think there’s much point in reaping a cube that’s stashed lol. (and re-appear in which ever cell’s “cubes” they unstash to)?


Should be fixed in 1.1.2.

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great, tyvm! :smiley:

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i think i already know the answer, but i dont lose anything to ask lol,

is there a way to know if when i see something like:

person1 has joined!
person1 has joined!

it’s the same person from the same computer opening 2 tabs or if it’s 2 dif. ppl in 2 dif. pcs using the same account? (which afik is considered cheating by hq)?

im not sure if this is on my end prob or ew prob or something you need to do with it but:

(index):1 Failed to load https://ewstats.feedia.co/update_local_counters.php?uid=95714&previous=1&best=1&charts=1: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘https://eyewire.org’ is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 503. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

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@Nseraf It was a problem with the server, I’m using. It should be ok now (Ctrl+F5 refresh might be needed).

Cubes v. 1.2.1

ADDED low-wt tab
FIXED the problem, that after entering and exiting a cube the current tab was always changed to Main.

Thanks @randompersonjci for the bug report and the idea for the new tab.

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thank you!

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Oh, forgot to answer that one - there’s no possibility to know this, unless everyone would allow to use their webcams by a script. Then there would have to be some sort of AI recognizing faces (and recognizing, if it’s a person or a photo) :smiley:

"is there a way to know if when i see something like:

person1 has joined!
person1 has joined!

it’s the same person from the same computer opening 2 tabs or if it’s 2 dif. ppl in 2 dif. pcs using the same account? (which afik is considered cheating by hq)?"

I did think that was because of unstable network connection so a person was loosing the chat and joining again all the time?

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no, sometimes i will see this

(for example)

annkri has joined!
annkri has joined!

but without an in between annkri has left!

so, i wonder if that’s (not you lol that was only an example) same person in 2 tabs, a bug in the code or two ppl in two pcs.

also another weird thing, in my desktop pc (your) activity tracker shows reaps to the colour i have in my scythe vision (orange), in my laptop after i had to format it shows them default blue, even tho ive installed all scripts, yours, mine etc.

is it something im doing wrong/forgotten to install? or can you add an option to the script of being able to choose between default reap colour and custom? (if it doesn’t exist already)


Hmm, if you have installed EWDLC (no matter, which version) and have changed the colors in there, everything should be ok.

The code for the color selection looks like this:

SCYTHE_COLOR = ewdlcSettings ? ewdlcSettings['prvw-colors'].scythed : Cell.ScytheVisionColors.scythed;

which could be translated like this: if settings for EWDLC are available, then use the color set in there. Otherwise, use the built in color.

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