I like the idea.
EDIT: I totally misread that xD
Thought you meant make player themed/named vs’s every other week so hq player hq player etc.
There are two…uhm possible problems with this (correctly read)
- there may not be enough player ideas, although ok then hq has to name 4 comps per month instead of 2
- It may make vs’s…boring to have them weekly than biweekly (boring is not the exact word Im looking for but can’t find it now lol), think it like, if you have ice cream once a month it’s a nice treat, if you can have it every day then eventually you might get bored of it lol (let alone weighting 300 kgs xD
I think biweekly is good and maybe gather enough player ideas to make 1/2 per month player made/themed/named (and know them before hand to be able to create nice illustrations for them)
would be also good.