[visual] "screensaver mode" - Auto-switch to most played cell / stay centered / follow player

Hi all,
im a small twitch streamer who sometimes plays eyewire but mostly i use it as a live background while i play other games, in the hopes that people might get interested.

i often let it run (overview/start screen) while i sleep with some music… and i notice that especially for smaller cells it tends to rotate itself out of its own center.
Also after a while (some hours) the cell loses its “volume”, the cell looks like it starved itself/pixelated.

I wish for a feature maybe called “screensaver mode” where it autoswitches to the most played cell.
Maybe with a option to follow an active player with the “camera”/viewport in that given cell.
Maybe with the option to exclude certain colors for the cell.
Maybe with the option to refresh itself after a given time (as a quick workaround)

Best Regards

Hi imm_radio,

Thank you for sharing your suggestions! We also appreciate the bug report about the drifting rotational axis over time in the overview. However, please be advised that currently our main development effort is being focused on FlyWire, Seung Lab’s new neural reconstruction platform.

In the meantime, maybe some of the following tips will help :slight_smile: :

  • Currently when you login to Eyewire or hard refresh, you are switched to the cell with the most available, low-weight cubes and these cells usually tend to be the most active as well.
  • I’m assuming that you have the “Show Player Activity Icons” option turned on in the Settings menu (located under the Live Overview section)
  • You can try toggling on/off the “Plasticize Neuron” option in the Settings menu for a different neuron texture if you’d like
  • You can refresh the page to get the cell overview color to change to a color that you may prefer


I see and thanks for the detailed reply :slightly_smiling_face:
I had another idea of doing a monthly youtube video where i just browse through the finished cells(notifications with stats i contributed to) of the last month and i was wondering if it’s a good idea and a lot of effort to create

a monthly notification containing all the cell-notifications one contributed to (maybe as a simple dropdown-list)?

As always. Kind Regards

Hi imm_radio,

That sounds like a cool idea and thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, we still don’t have the current development bandwidth to implement a feature for a personal monthly cells completed notif. Thankfully, we currently don’t complete that many cells each month, so the individual cell notifications are still the most concise way of looking at completed cells that you contributed to.

While it doesn’t list if you played on that cell, we also list the last five completed cells in the “Recently Completed” section of the “Change Cell” menu if you want to check out those cells there.


again thanks for the quick and detailed reply :slightly_smiling_face:
no problem - maybe a bit off-topic but does it still all go into flywire or…?

As for an alternative, whould you mind me coding my own plugin (and provide me with a little bit of guidance) or maybe someone from the community wants to help me/code it with me?
(i have a B.Sc in CS and work/-ed as a webdev…)


Hi there. A plugin/add-on is up to you. We have a public API, and this has caused other players to make unofficial add-ons in the past. But fair warning, we can’t guarantee that other players would be available to collaborate on new add-ons (most of our dev-experienced players are not logging on lately), and our own developer time for troubleshooting any API questions is very limited.

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Here is the github link to Eyewire’s Public API: https://github.com/seung-lab/eyewire-public-api

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thanks, do you know if they are gone for good or hang around in flywire (so you could maybe hand out my emailadd or point to this thread)?

ofc i understand that your ressources are limited and i very much appreciate your/all of the teams time and effort :heavy_heart_exclamation:

and/or does anyone know of a github-repo of a plugin so i could see some code?

Hi imm_radio,

Thanks for your interest! I’m sorry we don’t have more resources available for you at this time. Here is an example link to a forum thread that contains many links to both KrzysztofKruk’s scripts (you may find the source code listed on TamperMonkey for each script; ie: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisRaven/EWStats/master/ewStats.user.js) and a repo for bl4ckscor3’s Colorful Leaderboard script: GitHub - bl4ckscor3/ColorfulLeaderboard: A Tampermonkey script for EyeWire to colors users in their role's color on EyeWire's leaderboard and adding icons to indicate whether they're a moderator and/or mentor. If you’d like to look at other player-created scripts, I suggest searching for “scripts” or “addons” in the forum here.

Folks pop in and out of Eyewire community based on their own personal engagement preferences. You can message/reach out to individuals in the EW forum. I also suggest creating a new thread in the forum asking for input on creating a script as our current discussion is currently nested under a “screensaver mode” thread. I know there’s some time differences involved, but reaching out in chat is also a good resource too!

Please note that it’s long been our policy not to pressure players into making new features, so we leave it up to the community’s discretion to coordinate among themselves.


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thank you very much on the intel (-
i might start a thread regarding the features and if anyone wants to code with me let me know.

Best Regards

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