So…this is something I’ve been doing for a while now (mid august or so).
The idea sort of came to me after a new bug appeared in the new dataset of zebrafish (mystic/princeton) that caused wild mergers to appear in that dataset out of seemingly thin air causing the spawner to become slow at times (and at times mergers so huge they ended up crashing the spawner and/or the game lol) and I realised I/we were “blind”.
In searching for mergers when spawner would go slow and it was not during hours/days (weekends, early hours of EU time when HQ is zzzz’ying etc) when admins would not be available easily to help, I realised I was searching blind, I did not know which Cell IDs contained Zfish cells and which “normal ew” cells and where to look so…I created the registry and now I/we know what all cells are.
As non-promoted/scouts/scythes you won’t be able to jump to Cell ID, that’s something mystics and/or admins can, but you can gain a measure of what has been done before (you registered), of the work that has been done so far.
As mystics you can jump to every cell id I don’t have it down as “No Cell/No Access”, so use your common sense lol, if something has “No touch” it’s quite obvious what I mean lol.
The Cell Registry is easy to understand I think, Cell name | Cell ID | Meshed | Cell Size | and various comments columns containing blog posts, and various comments to help create a timeline/history book of sorts, eyewire’s history book.
I want to thank @crazyman4865 who without his script (tabbed chat) I would not be able to have done this. and @JousterL @susi @KrzysztofKruk for the help in cataloguing cells. It’d have taken me weeks more without your help.
@sorek.m I remmeber you saying in mystics (or was it scouts?) channel that you did not have all the zfish cell ids? well now you do and in the comments and cell size I have marked which zfish cells have seg grenade probs and if they are frozen (or not). hopefully this helps you save time.
If any of you have any suggestions as to what more information you’d like to see in the Registry please do mention it here (or in chat) Can’t promise it’ll be done, but it will be discussed.
I will every so often continue to update it with whatever cells have been completed by that time.