Why cant I use my mac?

I cant use my mac to get through the tutorial!!!  Whats up I want to contribute!

Same here.  When I “click,” nothing happens.

Hi guys, you can use a mac, can you tell me what browsers you’re using?

I’ve tried both Safari and Firefox

tried safari but having pr0blems even with webGL enabled s0 i tried chr0me, still buggy

I’m also having problems. I can’t click on the region. I’m in Safari 5.1.7

@jalbert317, can you tell me what’s wrong?

@c0wb0yzy how is it buggy?

@kingsparrow  try refreshing the page and see if that fixes the issue.  If that doesn’t resolve it can you try Chrome and let me know if that solves the issue?

I also can’t “click” when asked to in the tutorial. Safari 5.1.7, OS 10.6.8

Clicking works in Chrome, but I would prefer not to use it.
I can click in other parts of the window and refreshing has no effect.

The white light flashes to show me where to click during the tutorial; however, when I try to click, the program does not let me/does not color the neuron. I’ve tried skipping the tutorial and starting later, but the same problem occurs.

Yup, same problem here. Bummer.

OK so it seems that we’re having trouble with Safari 5.1.  Try Chrome for now, I’ll let you guys know if we figure out what’s up.