What's the best kind of bars for cubes? Progress bars

The idea is blacknovayzfr1’s (or at least, he’s the first to write something about this on which my eyeballs stumbled upon) - we should have a progress bar for the loading of the cube data. That would allow us to know how much time left we have to wait to get a smooth transition between every slices of the cube.

I don’t always wait for the loading, but when I do, I always wait longer than I really needed to.

Paps, I’m with you, a progress bar is useful feedback to us to get the work done. I do tough it out getting a little work done during loading, however, just as you experienced, I also wait longer than I need to for smooth graphic transition between layers. Thanks for this suggestion!

Kudos to the Eyewire team to make a game out of this work! Brilliant! Happy to help you out in your quest!

Yup, we’ve heard this one a lot.  It’s on the list. :slight_smile: