What about saying hello to each other ? An introduction of new players!

Hi all !

I’ve been looking for a “say hi!” topic, this must be one of the first forums I’ve been where there’s nothing like this.

Or maybe it’s too early for me to find it…

A colleague introduced me to this new drug a few days ago, so here I am !
Living in Ireland, “working” in a closing down business, so I’ve got time to spend mapping strange shaped cells !

What about you ? :slight_smile:

Thanks to the staff getting all this turning, you’re doing a hell of a job !

Cheers :slight_smile:


Welcome! We’re glad to hear you’re enjoying Eyewire. :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone :slight_smile: i am Inci, it mean Pearl in English. I am new at the Eyewire and i am happy for that. :slight_smile: