Stay At Home Games: Delicious Distance Cooking Challenge!

Are you an amateur chef who has recently become a professional amateur chef? Then this is the challenge for you!

Whether you’ve suddenly found yourself cooking up every meal for your hungry family (or better yet, cooking it with your hungry family!) or if you’ve just decided comforting baked goods are a new must-have in your home, we want to see what you’ve got!

Post pics of your culinary masterpieces for your fellow Eyewirers to enjoy. If you want to share the cooking love, we also encourage you to post recipes for your creations.

Vote for the most magical, mouth-watering, or skillful project by hitting that like button! We’ll determine a winner based on the number of :heart:s, so put in your votes before April 10th at noon.

The winner will receive a unique Delicious Distance badge, and all participants will get a Stay At Home Games badge.

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Ciabatta Bread


Lemon Sponge Birthday cake


with Candied Lemon Slices

Lemon and Oregano Chicken Kebabs, homemade Pitta breads and rice (with Hummus & Nocellara olives


That looks delicious! Happy Birthday!

From Eyewire HQ, Bergen County Campus: sweet potato fries!


those look tasty!

A sunny day in springtime,
for the first barbecue it´s the best time!

Lamb´s lettuce, fruits and cheese,
some olives, nuts and seeds,
selected edible wild herbs and flowers
with balsamic vinegar and olive oil give power.

Oh, the other part is missing yet!
Have to wait some minutes, before you´ll get…!
What would YOU like to add?

A spit with mango and grilled halloumi,
surrounded by a thin slice of zucchini?
A steak, a sausage or a curry chicken?
Bacon grill stick or grilled salmon, fantastic to pick!

Or would you prefer sheep´s cheese with rosemary?
The sweet potato fries would fit – it´s not ordinary!

[I´ve heard, somebody arranged a virtual barbecue with friends. :upside_down_face:]



wow that is a beautiful salad! Virutal BBQ with friends sounds wonderful. Lovely poem, too :slight_smile:

Glad you guys are eating such tasty cuisine! And Happy Birthday @zougathefist