Edit :The issue was cause by Avira Browser Safety. I only had to enable the google api for eyewire.org to be able to see the game as before
The mail I previously sent to the official support gave no solution. Am I the only one with this issue?
I tried playing with the settings, reloading the page, using a different browser…
The problem seems to be only on my computer BUT I remember playing without any issues a few months ago, I wonder what happened in the meantime
When trying it on some (realy) old laptop, I could play without problem with the same Eyewire account.
I play Eyewire on Chrome [V 58.0.3029.96 (64-bit)], here is my config specs:
- Windows 8.1 Industry Pro x64 bit
- Intel®_Core™i5-4590_CPU@_3.30GHz
- 8 GB RAM
- NVIDIA FeForce GTX 750 Ti
- High/okayish speed connection ( ping 23ms, Down 21 Mbps, Up: 4Mbps )
EDIT after Nseraf suggestions: problem not solved by the following
- getting rid of cache/cookies;
- log out /in;
- reloading with ctrl+F5 ;
Thanks if you have any idea to fix this!