Skip It Menu

I had mentioned this in the discussion “Help! What is this?”, but I thought it really belonged here.

First of all, we’d like to see the following options when we click "Skip It"

Let me tell you why.
Just gimme another cube!

On the let me tell you why screen, may I suggest the following Options:

1. Looks like a merger!
2. Needs expert eye.
3. Too big and gnarly.
4. Other: _______________________

Wouldn’t it be fabulous if this process tagged the cube for Eyewire staff (or qualified amateurs) or even made a screen shot?

Wouldn’t it be fabulous if the cubes tagged by options 2 &3 were vetted and designated for an Eyewire Smackdown competition of the best Eyewirers? 

Sounds like a good idea.  Well work on it!