Noob Question - Please Help this wannabe citizen scientist

Hi! My name is Neece and I just learned about Eyewire last week. I’ve been looking for a great way to contribute to science. 

I went through the tutorial and seemed to do well, but now that I’m completely on my own, I have no idea what to color in. It all looks like I shouldn’t click on it. Can anyone help me get some idea or feedback? My scores are around 20 so I know I must be completely off.

Please help if you have suggestions. I really want to contribute. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance!

Hi, Neece. I’m one of the most devoted in the “NeurOlympics”… if your score is 20 you probably clicked where you shouldn’t have. Scores under 20 are common if the cube is basically “done” already. Like the tutorials, click just the obvious gaps for now. As you get familiar with the cubes, you’ll be better able to tell when they should expand for the big points. You’ll get it!

Thanks very much. I’ll try that. What is a decent score?

60, 80, 110, 261!

It generally depends on the size of the task that needs to be done.  Those numbers sound about right though.

Don’t worry zeneece, you’ll soon find yourself feeling more confidant about what to mark.  I find it helpful to turn the blue off to have a good look (hold down the shift button). I usually do that and run through some sections of the image back and forth (once it’s all loaded and will animate quickly) as it gives me a much better idea of how things are working.  Looking at it that way (zipping up and down) can make things much more obvious and you’ll see more easily what is really a part of the neuron you’re marking. Have fun and welcome to the family!

Well-said, SmallJude :slight_smile: