CUBE #2938137
The axis of the image does not fit
missmatching image
This is not a bug, but a misalignment. It is an error in dataset imaging, and we have to play around them.
Unfortunately it cannot be corrected, so do your best for these kinds of cubes. They are tricky and you can always ask for help in chat.
Ah, sometimes it is a bug. Occasionally, due to a loading error, the 2d and 3d will be completely mismatched. Unfortunately the only way i’ve found to fix it is to refresh the page, which results in the loss of the cube.
I’ve been seeing a lot of those recently. Just keep trying different axes until you find one that does match the trace.
I got the same problem and it is also overexposed. I tought it was the detector having a technical hiccup
That’s a normal occurance that happens due to mistakes made while imaging the mouse retina. Sadly there can’t be anything done about it anymore. The slides before and after the erroneous one are normal though, so working around the issue is not a big problem.