Is the seed incorrect?

The seed for this cube is in fragments. I really feel like the little nub on the left belongs to the neuron on the left. If I’m wrong, what are the visual cues I’m missing?

A few more screenshots

Looking up from below:

From the left:

Looking down from the left, with the second neuron removed:

That last shot is the best I can get it to look if I’m assuming the bit is NOT incorrect. Any less than this leaves it looking incomplete, but this still looks to me like a dendrite from a different neuron.

I ended up submitting it without the two little blobs behind the seed piece in question, and this was the outcome:

I’m still convinced that bit of the seed is wrong. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Thanks for reporting! I checked out this cube and while this small seed piece is a bit suspicious, it doesn’t connect to anything else nearby (it doesn’t belong to the other branch you found).

For the moment, we’ll leave this little nub as is. It might look odd in the 3D but it seems to be OK in the 2D. There is a slight “shift” in the 2D slides here plus it’s at the edge of our dataset, so that may be causing some of the suspicious looking nature in the 3D/2D.

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