Is a Facebook account necessary to play?

I’m new here. I’m quite interested in any research into human vision, so, of course this is the place to be. I worked for a short time in the early 90’s in a lab in which the doctor I worked for was doing research on animal vision using single cell probing techniques measuring responses to light of various wavelengths in female fireflies. I have since worked in many fields not related to science, but am an avid amateur scientist.
My question is whether a Facebook is required to participate in this. I am quite leary of social media in general, and Facebook in particular. Is there hope?

Hi bartgis, there’s no need to have a facebook account.  That’s simply one way we’ve allowed users to register.  As you’ve got a user name and are posting in the forums it appears you’ve already registered with an email address.  Have you started the tutorial yet?