I tried to figure it out, I promise: Cursor Color & Activity History

I have scoured the app trying to find the answers to these questions but either my ADHD needs to be better managed or they just aren’t there.

  1. How can I change the color of the brush cursor? I’m having a hard time seeing it, which probably means that my vision is swiftly deteriorating as this wasn’t a problem for years.

  2. Is there a way to pull up an Activity Tracker that displays the entirety of your progress? I was trying to find the ones I had trailblazed but couldn’t get the activity tracker with the bars to go back far enough.


See if anything in this conversation might help with seeing the cursor Change cursor color

on your second question you can only get the last 60 cubes in activity tracker if you have not already done so you can go too settings → activity tracker-> visible cube but i think you will only get cubes played after you changed that settting.

on this page you will see your last 60 cubes in both lvl 1 and lv2 so could get you a bit longer back if you have played both lvl. press level in upper left corner too change betwheen them.

the last alternative if you have a particular cube you are interested in and wish too look at later is too write down cube id and then paste #cube id in chat to give a id you can jumo too. smart to write pm/“your username” #cubeid in chat first so not everyone else are also getting the link.

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