I can't paint, what am I doing wrong?

I can’t paint, what am I doing wrong?

I can’t either. I use a mac. Does that have anything to do with it?

i also have a mac and cannot paint. a general problem maybe? 

Are you guys still in the tutorial?  If so make sure to close out the pop-up that was giving you instructions before you try painting.  Let me know if that works.

Using a mac shouldn’t be a problem.  What browsers are you using?

I’m using safari.

I was still in the tutorial but now that I am not, I still can not paint!

I’d like to be a part of this.

Could you guys try it in latest chrome or firefox?  We have had some issues with Safari in the past.

I can’t paint either. I’m on a MAC and using Safari

Am I supposed to see red branches on the “painting screen”?
The red branches flash for less than a second on the 3D screen then disappear.
I’m confused.

If something flashes red it is something you painted incorrectly. The correct ones will be blue and won’y flash.
