I´ve been promoted being scout on Friday evening, but got some trouble with installing scouts log.(After a few log-out and log-in everything is fine now ). Therefore I couldn´t really follow the regular tutorial another scout wanted to give.The next day (Saturday) chat didn´t work either, so I couldn´t ask somebody
.So I tried to inspect cubes on my own and marked 7.
Question 1: How do I get information, that my flaging was right? In history of scouts log none of the marked 7 cubes are listed.
Question 2: I know I had only have to check cubes weight 4/lvl 1 and 3/lvl 2. After I had chosen one I often saw it was yet inspected. Shall I ignore this and inspect it a second time?(what I´ve done so far).
Question 3: After inspecting and making an entry in scouts log I flag the cube or before? I think I had a few done and then forgotten to flag. Hope it´s not grave .I only realized a bit later by missing getting points.
And for better representation in screenshots I always work with Explore mode enabled, right?
Question 4: I inspected a cube and didn´t find anything wrong or missing, cube looks ok. Do I still have to make a note in scouts log, e.g. cube marked “good” , or do nothing and quit the cube? “Scythe complete” only the Scythes use?
There was a misunderstanding btw. with the screenshot button on the right side/panel. I didn´t know til Friday evening, that 3D screenshot doesn´t work, only 2D (which I sometimes use).During the tutorial the scout mentioned it. Was a bit confusing. Now I know that there will be made a screenshot automacically in scouts log after submitting entry .
Thank you in advance, Melanie