Help me find basic information

I was totally hooked on Eyewire back when it first started, but then life intervened and I had to stop playing, because no matter how hard I try I can’t just finish ONE CUBE and then put it away, so I had to just cold turkey it and stop. But now I’m semi-retired and don’t have a horribly demanding schedule, so I’m totally ready to dive back into the addiction and spend my days staring at fuzzy blobs and deciding which other fuzzy blobs they go with.

The problem is there are lots of words and terms I don’t remember, and when I try to Google them I just get documents using them but not explaining them. Really, all I want to know right now is

  1. What does it mean when a cube I’ve worked on is labeled as a “reap?”
  2. Where can I go the next time I have a simple basic question so I can look it up myself instead of bothering people with it?


Oh, yeah, also the pinned post for this category is decidedly unhelpful. :wink:

Hi geek2nurse,

Welcome back (again)! I’m sorry that you’re having trouble finding some answers. Eyewire certainly has changed over the past 10 years with various updates. You can always try searching the Eyewire blog for posts introducing new features. (Unfortunately, our wiki is currently offline :disappointed:) And I see that you’re already posting on the forum too!

However, the best way to get an answer is to just ask in chat! Your fellow Eyewirers and admins can help answer your questions :slight_smile:

Re: Question 1 - A reaped cube is a cube that has been edited by an advanced player called a “scythe” or by an admin. These are usually cubes that have errors such as “mergers” (errors in the segments caused by the computer or by humans) in them that cannot be removed by regular cube play . Since Eyewire is a consensus based system, “reaping” a cube overrules that consensus to correct the error. It is an action taken outside of regular cube gameplay, but an important part of ensuring that the cell is being correctly reconstructed.

You can read more about the roles in Eyewire (including scythes) here: Player Progression in Eyewire

Hope this helps!

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It does, thanks!