Hey veterans,
This is a request for help from anyone interested in the design of Eyewire as a game.
We are trying to understand how Eyewire requires particular skills from you as a player, and trains you in those skills. Skills in this sense are discrete, atomic ideas that the player builds up to larger strategies. For background on this, you can read Dan Cook’s article on the chemistry of game design.
My mission for you, should you choose to accept it, is to design what Eyewire’s skill “tree” would look like. What are Eyewire’s atomic skills, and how do they combine to create the larger strategies that difficult cells demand of you?
Dan Cook gives an example of a skill tree here, this one about the basics of Tetris. Our friends at Foldit have also made a small example about the basics of Mario.
You can make your own skill tree using draw.io. When you’ve finished drawing your skill tree, please either post it here or send it to Amy at support@eyewire.org.
Your help in designing this skill tree will be hugely valuable to research on Eyewire and citizen science games broadly. Thank you so much for taking the time to help with this project. I am excited to see what you create, and even more excited at the potential that these trees may be used in the future development of Eyewire!
For science!