If you’ve seen me on a day where I’m playing long into the night, you know that when I get going I’m motivated by the milestones directly in front of me. The next 1000 cubes, 5000 cubes in a month, most trailblazes in a month ever (special thanks to galarun, you ruined that for me) Last year, I had set some larger goals for the year. I am the kind of person to go very hard while I have the motivation, and peace out rather than getting burnt out, so something that required that much foresight was tricky.
I know I had these written down somewhere but I can’t find it for the life of me so I’ll just list them here.
- 10 Million Points in 2019: Tricky, because at this point I had 6 million points, but that was also 30k points a day
- 50 Thousand Cubes in 2019: This one would triple my cube count, but that was fine. I had been doing a lot of mystic at that point, but wasn’t planning on doing mystic much because the big goal, which wasn’t just mine:
- Finish The Dig. At a rate of one sector every 3 months, it seemed like we were maybe 3 weeks behind on that? Doable.
- 30 Thousand Completes in 2019: Most reasonable tripling because I had been a scythe for 6 months.
Now, how did we do?
The dig obviously didn’t get done. We’re close, and even though Sector 15 isn’t technically complete, knowing what I know about that process now, I’ve honestly considered it “done unless proven otherwise” for a while now. We’re probably a couple weeks from Bipolars, but we’re demonstrably close.
As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 21,317 completes on the year with 371 more waiting for admins to finish off. That I guess I should have expected with less Mystic work, and other folks have done a great job keeping up with the backlog so i don’t often feel compelled to step in (Holiday Cup aftermath was really the first time in a while where I had a look and felt guilty playing cubes instead of completing). This was also put aside more so I could focus on the cubes, as I expect to be focusing more on Mystic work next year
As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 49,845 cubes on the year. I have a little less than 24 hours to do 155 cubes. That’s getting done. I’ll just be over here trailblazing all of the artifacts.
As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 11,851,158 points. I’ve already met this goal, that happened at some point during the Cup I think.
All things considered, One out of four isn’t bad. Especially when it becomes two out of four. Hardware issues, natural disasters, and work (or at least work I get paid for) all got in the way at one point or another.
Now, where do we go from here?
- 100,000 cubes total by the end of the year (77,750 at time of writing), Let’s add a digit
- 10,000 scythes total by the end of the year (8,129 at time of writing) Pushover goal, but let’s add another
- 100,000 completes total by the end of the year (35,965 at time of writing) This one will be my main challenge through the year.
- 1 million points in NEO. Just in case the problems I’ve been hearing about get resolved early on enough that we get stuff to work with. Based off of what I heard it may be that there will be mystic-type work ready to go soon, and I’m hoping to see some pyramids.
I’ve made a conscious effort to vary my goals in difficulty, because last year it was basically to do 3 times the amount of work I’d done to date.
This sort of post does a lot to keep me motivated, I invite everyone to do the same should they wish.