Goals in 2020

If you’ve seen me on a day where I’m playing long into the night, you know that when I get going I’m motivated by the milestones directly in front of me. The next 1000 cubes, 5000 cubes in a month, most trailblazes in a month ever (special thanks to galarun, you ruined that for me) Last year, I had set some larger goals for the year. I am the kind of person to go very hard while I have the motivation, and peace out rather than getting burnt out, so something that required that much foresight was tricky.

I know I had these written down somewhere but I can’t find it for the life of me so I’ll just list them here.

  • 10 Million Points in 2019: Tricky, because at this point I had 6 million points, but that was also 30k points a day
  • 50 Thousand Cubes in 2019: This one would triple my cube count, but that was fine. I had been doing a lot of mystic at that point, but wasn’t planning on doing mystic much because the big goal, which wasn’t just mine:
  • Finish The Dig. At a rate of one sector every 3 months, it seemed like we were maybe 3 weeks behind on that? Doable.
  • 30 Thousand Completes in 2019: Most reasonable tripling because I had been a scythe for 6 months.

Now, how did we do?

The dig obviously didn’t get done. We’re close, and even though Sector 15 isn’t technically complete, knowing what I know about that process now, I’ve honestly considered it “done unless proven otherwise” for a while now. We’re probably a couple weeks from Bipolars, but we’re demonstrably close.

As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 21,317 completes on the year with 371 more waiting for admins to finish off. That I guess I should have expected with less Mystic work, and other folks have done a great job keeping up with the backlog so i don’t often feel compelled to step in (Holiday Cup aftermath was really the first time in a while where I had a look and felt guilty playing cubes instead of completing). This was also put aside more so I could focus on the cubes, as I expect to be focusing more on Mystic work next year

As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 49,845 cubes on the year. I have a little less than 24 hours to do 155 cubes. That’s getting done. I’ll just be over here trailblazing all of the artifacts.

As of the beginning of New Years Eve, I have 11,851,158 points. I’ve already met this goal, that happened at some point during the Cup I think.

All things considered, One out of four isn’t bad. Especially when it becomes two out of four. Hardware issues, natural disasters, and work (or at least work I get paid for) all got in the way at one point or another.

Now, where do we go from here?

  • 100,000 cubes total by the end of the year (77,750 at time of writing), Let’s add a digit
  • 10,000 scythes total by the end of the year (8,129 at time of writing) Pushover goal, but let’s add another
  • 100,000 completes total by the end of the year (35,965 at time of writing) This one will be my main challenge through the year.
  • 1 million points in NEO. Just in case the problems I’ve been hearing about get resolved early on enough that we get stuff to work with. Based off of what I heard it may be that there will be mystic-type work ready to go soon, and I’m hoping to see some pyramids.

I’ve made a conscious effort to vary my goals in difficulty, because last year it was basically to do 3 times the amount of work I’d done to date.

This sort of post does a lot to keep me motivated, I invite everyone to do the same should they wish.


Also, we’re roughly 600 new cubes away from playing cube #4000000! Let’s get that done today!

We reached #4000000 !


I think that this should be a very easy goal for you.

They say NEO is going to be released in the first half of the year, but who knows when it’s actually gonna release.

Sounds like a good idea to set some goals.

  • I think my goal for 2020 would be to make 40 M probably a bit to much since i need about 1,1M in average pr month for it but a nice round number.
  • I would also like to focus more on playing normaly and doing zfish cells and do less completing in normal ew cells.
  • This will give me a good chance to make another 20k cubes to a total of 85 000 cubes
  • I also think getting 25 k Trailblazes should be doable with 6188 to go
    And ofc i also hope to be able to play Neo, but can´t set any other goal for this than just getting to see how this game is supposed to work. Because i think they are still a long way to go from getting it ready to be releashed.

This is a fun thread! Interesting idea to do New Year’s resolutions for Eyewire.

What are the goals for 2020 from HQ?

Another year of eyewire and it is time to sum up how it did go with last years goal.

  • with good help from the hallow-xmas i managed to get 40 M that was my primary goal for the year.
  • I have done little zfish cells and usually no more than 200 sc on each cell (unless it was double points that we had a lot of to get the cells finished with too few active scythes over the spring/summer) because of this i have had time for more normal playing than in 2019, but not so much that i had planned.
  • only about 15 000 cubes done this year, so far from this goal
  • closer on trailblazes with 23 400 done and 1600 to go.
  • It have been very quiet around Neo this year and i hope we soon will get and update on what the status is on it, but i have mostly given up on it and think a release will still be months/years in the future.

So what are the goals for 2021

  • My priority this year is going to be zfish and less about points but i expect to round 50M a very big milestone with only 9,5M to go.
  • With less play i will stay with my goals from 2020 for cubes and TB, with 85 000 cubes and 25 000 TB
  • my main goal will be sc - my next achievement it is 218 500 completes needed and this sounds like to much for one year but i will get half of this done.

It will be fun to know if other players also have goals for the year.