Thanks everyone for your responses so far! Hopefully we’ll have a solution by the end of the week.
I’ll comment more fully later but just wanted to mention an unusual thing lately I hadn’t seen before- an occasional 15 sec delay in completion-paint appearance after scythe completing a cube. Seems to go in batches of several cubes in a row, then settles down again,
An interesting observation for the devs.
I do not know why, but while the game/slowness/403/4s are always existing pre/post 7-8am EDT they are not as…“Oh my god please kill me now.” all the time. But between 7-8 am EDT there’s about 5-10 minutes maybe less maybe more of practically unplayable game where almost nothing works except for chat then after progressively until my night (about 6-7pm edt when I go to sleep) all the issues described in this thread become significantly worse. I do not know until what time but they are back to…“normal” slowness when I wake up until again 7-8 am edt around 2-3 pm my time.
Dunno maybe this helps devs somehow, maybe one can wake up early login the server and watch this happen live, maybe it’ll provide more info? lol dunno.
Thanks everyone that is posting in this thread, this information is appreciated.
There are many aspects of Eyewire that can be slow. There is an issue with 2D loading with the current versions of Chrome. It seems that using Firefox, or the Google Chrome Beta
should speed that up.
403 errors are still being investigated and it is further complicated by the fact that most 403/404 errors you see are not a problem. But when everything starts returning 403/404, that is a serious problem.
Hi @Kelv , to see if I understand what you mean re: 403/4s, is it somewhat similar to immune system and autoimmune diseases? Like we all have white blood cells and immune system cells which are not a problem, but when they start attacking your own body/organs/cells they become a very serious problem?
And thank you for trying to fix this (and for fixing this (in the near future lol) I’m sure), it has plagued us for quite a bit lol, I’m sure everyone will be happy to see it fixed and done with lol.
have same problem, at 8.10 pm edt everyday i cannot play ew for about 10 minutes.
@Kelv did you do something today in the last couple of hrs? Everything is great!!! No 403/4s refreshes load everything great no errors, inspecting a cube loads 2d+3d withing 2-3 secs and without me having to retrace seed and trace from parent every time, and i’ve had no submit/reap 404s since… I’m not used to this xP lol thank you if you did!!
Everything was fine up until 7:45 then:
Everything fine and great after 10-15 mins. Whatever was fixed seems to work but for 10-15 mins between 07:45-08:15 am EDT.
Thank you!
The site is loading slow for me, is really jittery and asks a lot from my laptops processor. My fan is going wild.
What could be the problem?
EDIT: Seemed to be fixed, sorry for the inconvience.