Cube out of thin air

I was reaping dupe from sctr 16, but it says dupe when it is perfectly right trace. So I jumped to dupe cell, but the cube appeared out of thin air. Although it being sector 4 fort scythe, there is normal play from ‘Jessdevine’ who joined 22 days ago from 11/5. A definite bug. Capture for reference.

Sadly taken after reaping

Do you remember the cube id? perhaps the cube info panel was not yet updated so it showed info for the cube in sector 16?
Alternativly jessdevine used a cube id that was posted in chat earlier to jump to the cell and play in it, think it is still possiple to play in cells that are finished so long not all cubes are completed.
The third possibility is that there was another user with the same username that played the cube before. Possible the reset they did when removing usernames not used for x amount of time from the !online list also allowed new users to register with the same username. Jessdevine sound like a very familiar name that i have seen before the last month.

Hi juneyang2005,
As annkri said, most likely it was that the scythe toolbox did not fully update to the cube you had selected in the overview. This can happen when quickly switching between cubes such as using the “jump to duplicate” button. It is also possible that a cube found it’s proper “home” in an older cell after a duplicate issue got resolved. For example, a missing nub that was a merger in an active “new” cell actually belongs in an old cell.

If you have more questions, the cube ID would be best for looking into the situation. :slight_smile:


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