Cell Body? problems

Three times today I had cubes that had half or more of the cube filled with those “big blobs”. Are these cell bodies? Are these part of the cell we’re working on?

When coloring in two of these cubes, then system would hang and after a few minutes come back and start me on a new cube. I did not click on “submit” “restart” nor “skip”. I presume this is a bug?

Also, one of these “big blobs” had 2 structures coming out of it – would those have been AI errors in merging two structures?



The body tasks take up most of the cube, but usually they’re pretty smooth, if you got something really huge and bulbulous it sounds like you encountered part of the merger we had this morning.  If you saw the overview you might have noticed we had a big blob on one side that clearly didn’t go.  The unprompted hanging and then giving you a new cube might have happened when we were trying to manually remove the merger (i.e. we deleted the thing that lead to your cube, so your cube no longer existed).  

If you get something where two (or more) blobs/branches/whatever are incorrectly put together feel free to let us know–that’s a merger (a mistake on the part of the AI) and it’ll help us nip the problem in the bud.


Thanks for your response. I believe these were body tasks. They took up about half the cube, and had a smooth edge that pretty much went straight across the cube. Still don’t know why it hung the system.

However, when we do come across an obvious incorrect merger, how do we identify it for you?

For now a screenshot and a note will have to do, we’ll hopefully have the ‘report a problem’ option back up soon.