Cell bodies showing up again

I’m getting several giant cell bodies again (taking up almost the whole 3D view).  Should we spend time marking them or abort? They’re very heavy to load.

I’m of the understanding that these types of tasks should be aborted for exactly the reason you state. They thrash both your system and the back end.

Not a mod just been here a while.


Is this huge blob I found a cell?

Hi Powersource,

That large red thing is certainly part of a cell, but it’s not part of a cell body, those tend to be much much larger --like take up the entire cube large.

Yeah, so we had a few mergers that lead us into cell body territory.  We cleared those tasks, so you shouldn’t be seeing them anymore.

@turing8 Just FYI, the servers don’t care what we serve up to you guys, basically runs the same regardless.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they caused problems for your machines though. So many tiny meshes!

Thanks for the info. I just figured that tasks like that would be less than desirable for the servers too. But it’s still good to know in any case.

And I can confirm that even on a fairly robust machine the cell body tasks just bog everything down.

Also, while I’m here. I just aborted a cell body task maybe twenty minutes ago. Could have been before your post could have been after. Not really sure at this point. Just thought I’d mention it.