Can you do more than one path in a cube?

I got a tiny bit of a blue path in a cube. The overview only showed this connection and there was little else around the cube. I’m new to the game, but I think I had a realitively new cube to work on. I couldn’t find anything around the little bit of blue, but discovered two other paths through the cube. They didn’t touch themselves or the blue section, but they appeared to be valid. So inside the cube, can you work on more than just the blue piece that is given? This feature would also help where the overview show multiple entry points into the cube and it is obvious there are multiple connections through the cube.

What you’re tracing isn’t the path of each neuron through a cube, it’s the path of a single neuron and all of its branches. It’s more likely that if they are not connected to the same path that you trace from the original blue piece then they are from different cells. I’m guessing that if another branch of the same neuron also goes through that cube then it will be treated as a separate cube with just that path being marked. So just mark out the path from the starting section, no need to mark anything else. :slight_smile: