Beta Testing for Accuracy History 11/16 at 2 pm US ET

Feedback from the beta round:

round weight to 1 decimal place
TBs don’t show
Bottom bar does not populate Weight, Votes, Parents & Children

Key for what the colors mean
Blue: Reaped
Yellow: Admin
add “ago” after Submitted time so for example: “Submitted 5m ago”
Accuracy to show N/A for TB

Show reaps made by current player (blue)
X Show past 60 cubes
X Right-click to open cube in new window

For the first version of Activity Tracker and so that we can get it out to the community ASAP, we will only add Reaps made by current player.

Thanks for testing!

all the bars are white? (why all and everything must be becoming monochromatic?) I like them in KK’s script representing the colours of low-wt heatmap and green/red for acxurqcy etc. And the bars are too small but i think that’s been mentioned already?

looks ok otherwise.but i cant seem to be able to play any cubes or jump, (I got in after beta ended). so I can’t fully test it :slight_smile:

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The test site should be functional until 2 PM tomorrow; what configuration are you using to try the beta site? Cube tracing/submission should be working.

im from the laptop (64 bit i7 32 gigs browser and os etc) but i get a chat msg “you are not logged in please refresh” and when i click on start playing or one of the bars to jump to cube i get the OCC popup.

I would maybe try logging out of regular Eyewire even if you’re using an incognito window. Incognito in Chrome seems temperamental. If that doesn’t work, can you send an error log to Chris?

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sure, will do.

Ok, I played a bit more after the beta and here’s my feedback:

I would actually prefer to jump to the cube in overview when clicking on the accuracy bar instead of immediately being put into the cube in inspect mode. I’m getting a definite lag when being placed in inspect mode that i wasn’t getting when jumping in overview. As well as, it’s more helpful to me personally to see how a cube fits into the cell overall (as well as see if there’s some wonky ai madness going on) and how it relates to its parents, without esc to ov then going back into the cube.

The rest is appearance based. I like how close it is to my name on the screen, will allow for a more comfortable fit of the SL bar. I do think it would be nice for the bars to be wider, as well as color coded for the accuracy %. Gray on Gray doesn’t exactly pop.

Pics of how they compare on my laptop:

This is KK’s. The bars are easy to see, and pop with their colors.

The integrated one. Can see them, but it is not as easy to see the slight variations in % just by glancing at the bars as it is in KK’s. And, while it is sleek from a design stance, it feels less personable.

Just my 2 cents, i’m sure i’ll have more feedback when I get to mess with it more :slight_smile:

PS: fwiw, those are pictures of my computer screen, not screenshots. Learned that what I see is not what y’all see through a screenshot :slight_smile:


From my very short test, I can write it’s ok, since it gives a direct view on various variables (?!)


Lol i just tried from phone (no other access until late sunday evening) i get the same (ew not connected anywhere else, pc and laptop shut down ba k home)

If i sgill get the same on sunday back home ill fire an error report to chris. :slight_smile:

You should use the beta server, not chris, so, the url will be:

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Lol ty! no one told me that :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: lol, first post

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Well that works xD ty again ill beta come sunday lol

yw :slight_smile:

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i also miss the colours from kk`s script and i am having trouble seeing the difference in accuracy personally i would like everything below 90 % to stand out in a colour that is catching my eye, and instead of using the dot to mark low accuracy you could use that for tb?

like atani said it is good that the bars are closer to my name to make place for the log.

and like i said under the betatesting it would be good if i as a scythe can look at every low weight cube with new eyes from inspect first before i i see my trace in review mode and see myself blind on it. That is also the reason i do not like to go back to a low weight cube immediately to reap it but like to play 4-5 cubes first before i go back to get somewhat fresh eyes.


Ok tested it, I agree with both ann and atani, and I remain by my earlier statement about bars not being white. Also I think it’s been mentioned about it not showing reaps and TBs? I think it’s 100% required for scythe/mystics to have both as well as please not direct inspect from bar jump, it’s annoying i want to be able to see overview first.


lol i think I’m so used to testing on chris.ew etc that i read it as chris not beta :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you!

Thank you all for the feedback!

We’re going to work in a broader color system. We’d also really like to show past 60 cubes in a later version!

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Round 2: tonight at 6 pm for 24 h.