AI missed coloring a segment

Dear Eyewire Staff,

After 600+ cubes I saw an error that has not happened to me before. A segment had clearly defined borders and would not color correctly. The slice before and slice after have the same segment clearly define, but the AI missed assigning the color correctly between the before and after slices. 

Four screen dumps are included to demonstrate the error in the segment of the slice, filename has date and time EST in it:
1 - slice before
2 - slice without color
2 error - slice with color error
3 - slice after

I see merge errors and all sorts of AI coloring errors that are non-critical to getting the game done so I don’t mention them, but this one stuck out like a sore thumb and was a ‘rare find’ so I figured you might like to see it and see if it is something new to you, or old wine in a new bottle.

Hope this is helpful.

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Hi flamingomarty!  That is indeed a cool find.  We come across this type of AI error occasionally, and you did exactly right in that you skipped over the problematic spot and selected the correct piece that came after.  Thanks for the images, I need to make a tutorial for this type of situation and these will come in handy.