Additional 'Players' tab for the "Choose Cell" dialog

Dear folks,

i just had this idea that it would be nice to see how many players are tracing a given cell.
It could be a tab next to “Available” maybe with the name of “Players” or “Current players” or something like that, indicating the amount of players that are tracing that cell right now. This would be a much better feedback than “24h Grotwh” which only gives you afterwards the information if this is a cell many people are tracing right now (kinda). I know its not important but i like the feeling that adds it to the game.

Best regards sliet

P.S. I also thought of adding the information to the “points earned”-chatupdate but im not sure if this would make the chat to messy, also maybe some players wouldnt like others to see what cell they are tracing on

From what I know something similar has been discussed in HQ, but I do not know if and when they intent to implement it. 

Hey Sliet, I like the idea I’ll pass it along.  You’re probably right though that adding it to Chat Update would be a lot of text.  Adding something in the menu would probably work better.