It would be helpful to have a flagging feature, like adding a different paint color to indicate that a close neural path is to be ignored. This could help reduce false-positives.
I second this! Great idea!
I’d also like a second color to paint any region. It helps me to see how the actual path is weaving through the objects around it. Preferably with a slider to control it’s transparency.
This is an excellent idea guys and one we’ve been kicking around for a bit. We’ll let you know when we’ve figured out how to do it!
Also, maybe let us choose each color separately? I like a strong distinction between “AI” and “me”.
@nicelizru you can change the current colors by clicking on the little gear in the lower right corner. The paint color slider lets you pick the color you’d like.
I agree with this, for those confusing neurones that run side by side for a while and have very thin cell walls!
yeah, i waste a lot of time clicking on the same nearby neuron as i scroll up and down, and if I clicked on a tiny bit i may miss and remove a nearby part i meant to keep.
I can see you guys like this idea a lot! We’ve just moved it up a lot higher on the To Do list.
What about just automatically paint pinky all regions, that will be red after click them, right while opening cube? And leave unpainted only regions that are in unknown state?
You are still in the tutorial, @nashev. For those cubes everything is known, because it was already colored by experts. For the “real” cubes (after you finished the tutorial) everything is unknown
I agree with this one. It would be really helpful in the star burst neurons especially.
I’d like to add that default, the marked regions are NOT visible in 3D.
Wow, I thought exactly the same, even minesweeper came into my mind. Additionally, it would be really helpful if it is possible not only to have a secondary color, but to mark regions in any color of choice. i’m thinking about some sort of color selection panel. maybe even with a “layer” feature, so that you can turn certain colors on/off (just like layers in photoshop). this way, it is possible to mark regions you know they do NOT fit and find the right path around it…or you can follow paths in a cube you are not entirely surely about at first to see if something reasonable evolves.
@ kurimasta: yes, it would come in handy to be able to choose color opacity in 3D view too!
Hi drawyks, I actually use the Explore tool similarly to how you describe. I use it to put together stuff I know is incorrect to help me find the correct path. Then I discard or deselect the bad stuff.
I have to agree with this concept - adding a “NOT” colour to paint with could be valuable. Not just for us human parts of the system, but also for the AI. And also, it seems to me that quite often, we’ll paint just one troublesome segment with the “NOT” colour - and the cell which that segment belongs to, would therefore already have some solved sections when its turn comes…
PS I volunteer to beta test if this is on the dev horizon… %)
I like drawyks layer idea and would maybe put that a little further. You can choose to add a new colour, which means adding a new layer. Every layer has basically the following parameters:

Hey, have you tried the explore mode (ctrl + E)? You get a separate color and you can merge or discard the second color. It’s not exactly what you guys wanted but it’s our current tool. If you have tried it what did you think?
Hey, the NOT coloring is a great idea, I use the explore for it, but then I cannot use it for actually marking cell portions.
Pity it was not implemented when this was suggested in 2013.
Could this be retaken?