Show Me Me with 2 colors

Hi !

I was just using the Show Me Me button when i got a pop up in my mind :stuck_out_tongue:

Imo it could be useful to have two different colors appearing instead of only one.
The actual first, which show voted branches, and a second (maybe just darker or brighter) to show the reaped and non voted. The second “Show them” could have the same, to show voted and reaped/non voted by others.

I think it could be usefull because often i need to have a good view in the OV of what isn’t “mine” and so i can focus on the rest. It’s really time consuming to click on some branch to see if i already reaped or not etc

Thanks for your reading !


Hi Kfay,

Thank you for your suggestion! I personally am aware of the need to see also where you have reaped (admins have the same situation). I’m guessing you are asking about this in the context of reapgrowing (for scythe forts). I am curious if it would be acceptable to include both reaped and completed cubes under the same color?



Hi sorek,

Yeah essentially in Fort, but also in normal cells. It is very time consuming and frustrating to have to click and searching in orange cubes (reaped ones) if it need vote and if it’s one i already reap or not (because only voted cubes appear with “Show Me me”).
I think it is essential to have color per situation because it’s a direct visual enhancement and so allow to understand the actual state of the cell.


Edit :

I just came from a cell entirely completed by scythes, where i had have not do anything. So i’m quite curious and check some cubes and find nubs and mergers. The only problem is… from OV i can’t see that i’ve done this one cause i can’t add a vote.
So for this kind of cells, it would be very appreciated to have a color for “my reaped ones” ! :slight_smile:

And to answer your question : for now, reaped/voted appear in pink (for me). voted only is pink too. reaped only could have a less flashy color.

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