r3,thank you so much for the chocolate (won’t last long), kitchen toys, and shells. I probably won’t bake more cookies for New Years but it will be fun playing later in the year. Perfect gift!
`Michelle, I cannot thank you enough for this gift! Today was such a stressful day again and then I received this the timing couldn’t be better! The sound it beautiful and I wish I could give you a big hug for giving me the motivation for some extra peace and quiet time
goodness me, a surfeit of cards just arrived!
Thanks Nik and to the EW HQ golden people
you’re most welcome
After long last!
Thank you very much kinryuu for the card, as well as the assortment of useful gifts! I really was looking for some of those, and I’m glad you provided.
EDIT: I’m sorry for some of the packages being empty; I just couldn’t resist opening them before snapping a pic!
The gifts from my secret santa @melissa0774 finally arrived i did get a nice towel and some sweets i also got some nice informations i really look forward to study. Thank you so much for the gifts. Also thank you to HQ for the nice card you sent.
Whew, I’m glad they finally arrived!!! I was getting worried! I’m glad you like them, I had fun picking them out
Funny coincidence - As I’m checking the forum right now I just happen to be holding one of the other candy canes that was in the same package as the ones I sent you. Weird to think I have one and I’m looking at a picture of the other ones and they’re all the way in Norway right now.
Oh My God ! OMG ! I opened my mailBox this afternoon and finally seen a package in it !!!
Thank you HQ ! Thanks you my @susi (iiiiiiiiiiiiii) !!!
So here i am now with my cappuccino and croissant
Swag from eyewire winter games?
You are most welcome!