Scores not updated if two tabs are used

I was trying to unfreeze after a break and someone suggested opening a new tab (chrome) then returning to the original.

I duplicated the tab and sure enough the original worked but the new tab showed another cube so, of course , I thought it might let mew ork on two screens

lo and behold i did and got 2000 points on one of them :slight_smile:

but :frowning:  my score didn’t change

yeah eyewire doesn’t behave nice if you’re tracing in more than one tab at the same time and scores are lost to the abyss…

Eyewire will count points in the latest signed-in account, so each time you’re opening a tab with eyewire it is re-logging in your account but if you trace between them it gets confused over which tab is actually signed in last so the points don’t go to day/week/month/ or overall score. Sry those 2k are lost.

Thanks Nseraf - nice to know
