Help! What is this?

No religion in the world of neuroscience! haha What we have here is an autapse (the pink part), which is a synapse from a neuron onto itself. I also think they are pretty awesome. Here’s the wiki, though there isn’t much on it:

I went through the cube and can confirm that no children, or branches extend from that autapse. As for loosing the cube, next time you run into a oddity or a section you are unsure about, I’d recommend either tracing it to the best of your ability and submit, or skip over the cube.


Hello, I’m pretty new at this.  Just wondering if this looks ok.


that looks like a floating seed (deep blue segs) and axons (light blue segs in the background)

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one of the slices of cube #813288 looks like this. Is this just an artefact?
The slices above and below it look normal.


Hi Anna,

Yes, that is an artifact. This slide is probably when there was a shift in the microscope or an error with scanning this slice. As you noted, we luckily have the before and after slides so we’re able to jump over the blurred slide without much data loss.


Mini Eyewire symbol hehe


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Any particular reason why there’s nothing showing up in my cube?
CUBE #1587527

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Hi alee_khat,

Looks like you got a bug with the 2D and 3D having trouble loading. A simple refresh should help remove the bug. If you do happen to encounter this error again, please feel free to email us at If you can please include in your email: what browser and OS you are using and if possible, a screenshot of your Javascript console (which can be accessed by hitting control+shift+J).



My overview doesn’t transition smoothly to trace mode, as in: the ov superposes on the cube I’m trying to play, the cube segment pixelates instead of showing blue, and nothing shows in 2D. WebGL is running and I’ve tried shift and alt keys, changing planes, scrolling, reloading, changing cubes, changing cells, and anything else I could think of. Allegedly my machine has the chops to run the game smoothly. Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?


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Sorry! I’m using the latest 64-bit Firefox and Win10.

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It’s a bug, it should usually go away when you rotate and/or zoom in/out of cube if it doesn’t try emptying cache and ctrl+F5 , might help. Otherwise i’d recommend taking a screenshot of the console errors (F12 and click on a red “x” it has on the left) and emailing HQ at:

hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Thanks! :smile_cat:

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Why is my name wrong??

Do you have any (google) (auto) translators on/enabled? Some of them will autotranslate anything including names/english if they don’t recognise the word(s) as english lol. So I’m guessing that for some reason something translated your michellewooten as Michelin Stars lol

Holy moly that’s a lot of Chrome Extensions™!

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so i got this:
and gave up
so inspected and got this:
so i thought i’d look at parents and got this:
went to parent, then back and got this:
this is weird…

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Hi bara, Hmm very odd. I’m guessing that this was a mesher/spawner bug that caused the mysterious segments to persist. Something in the system must have gotten updated when you tried the 4th time!

I’m guessing the blue background is from one of the player scripts?



yeah one KK made especially by bara’s request lol