EyeWire Stats - another TamperMonkey script

Sorry, but I can’t reproduce it.
Are you saing, that if you press the middle button (scroll) in your mouse, when cursor is over 2D, it zooms in?
I don’t see such option in the Help menu (question mark icon). There’s only Alt + Scroll (but not clicking it, just scrolling) to zoom in/out in 2D.
I have tested it, but on my side nothing has happened after clicking the scroll wheel.

2 small updates for Utilities (ver. 1.6.3)

  1. The “Remove Duplicate Segments” button is now displayed only in cubes, where are some duplicate segs.
  2. There’s an option in Settings to turn off zooming 2D by Spacebar (as @Atani requested).

So now there are two options for the Spacebar: Submit using Spacebar and Turn off zooming using Spacebar. Here’s how they work:
both turned off - usual EW state, pressing Spacebar zooms in/out 2D,
Submit using Spacebar on, Turn off zooming using Spacebar off - no zooming, cube is submitted after pressing the key,
'Submit using Spacebar off, Turn off zooming using Spacebar on - no zooming, no submitting,
both on - no zooming, cube is submitted after pressing the key.


Possibly fixed in Statistics 3.2.1

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yeah, keep the mouse wheel pressed in and scroll as you would, for me it zooms in/out on 2d lol.If you just keep it pressed without scrolling it pans.

oh, press and scroll - yeah, now it also works for me. Will check, if something can be done with it.

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yeah, sorry probably didn’t word that last bit right before lol, ty!

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lol, could you plz add an option in gear cog or elsewhere to move the Freeze button to the left of Highlight? I keep hitting that instead of complete xD, tyty

Accuracy History, ver. 1.2
MOVED settings to a separate section
Some internal REORGANIZATION of the code

Custom Highlight, ver. 1.3
MOVED settings to a separate section
Some internal REORGANIZATION of the code

Utilities, ver. 1.7.1
MOVED settings to a separate section
Some internal REORGANIZATION of the code
MOVED the Show Borders button to the left of the list of the icons in the bottom right corner (and now it shows only after SL is run - if one is at least a Scout. For non-promoted players it should load as soon as the other icons are loaded).
ADDED a button to show Additional Options (under the standard options in the Settings menu):

Clicking the button shows some options, which aren’t very popular (usually used by only one person, lol), so the options doesn’t take space in the, already crowded, Settings panel:

ADDED two options to the Additional Options panel, so now there are 4 options:
Turn off zooming using Spacebar - turns off zoom in the 2D region, when Spacebar was pressed. When only this option is enabled and Submit using Spacebar (in the main options) is disabled, the space simply does nothing (made previously for @Atani).
Go in and out of cube using “G” - allows to both inspect a cube (while in ov) and exit the inspection using a single key (made for myself)
Switch SL buttons - changes order of the Show Inspect Panel and Show Scouts’ Log Window buttons in the bottom right corner (requested long time ago by @Kfay)
Move Freeze to the left of Highlight - moves the Freeze button (and the two additional buttons) fo the left of the Highlight button in the Inspection Panel (requested by @Nseraf).

ADDED blockade to the Scouts’ Log New Entry popup and the MSTY’s Scouts’ Log popup for claming/releasing cells. Now typing anything inside those windows shouldn’t make any actions in the underlying EW. I’ve turned off those sortcuts:
0-6 - changing heatmaps
g/G - enter/exit inspection mode (when the appropriate option is turned on)
t/T - changing Custom Highlight color (when Custom Highlight script is installed)

If any other keys should be also blocked, let me know.

Because some changes were made in many places, some functionality might not work correctly out-of-the-box. Please, let me know, if I broke anything.


thank you!

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Oh thank god


just @KrzysztofKruk thanks a lot for all your hard work ! You do so much and i can’t enough follow all your posts :laughing:
Remember i (and we for sure) really enjoy your work and couldn’t play anymore without !

Thanks :smirk:

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I fully agree with these words, thanks @Kruk :slight_smile:


reporting an issue with hightlights :

If i hightlight a cube/branch with “color 1” then i select “color 2” (or 3) i can’t uncolor/recolor cubes/branch i colored previously with “color 1”. I need to reselect “color 1” to uncolor the cube/branch and then i can select “color 2 or 3” and color it again.

Hope you understand.

did you try the uncolour all from gear cog?
did you try unhighlighting it as part of kids from higher up in the branch?

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It’s “by design”, so when you change a color, you don’t mess with the highlights made by one of the other colors. This way you can e.g. highlight some cubes with one color, then highlight e.g. whole branch with other color then unhighlight the branch and the cubes selected with the first color will be still highlighted.
As Nik said, there’s an option in the Settings to change this behaviour. If you turn that option on, unhighlighting will remove highlights made with all colors, not only the current one.
And just a quick remainer: you can quickly change current color by using “T” key from keyboard.


Ah yes ! right and thank both for your answers :slight_smile: that’s totally make sense now !

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lol I just had an idea about a feature, not sure I “like” it myself and could see it causing, maybe, stress to people but It’d be interesting to see how it’d work in “real life” (not only in my head lol), and maybe it could be the next step in activity tracker, so here it is:

You press start playing, you load a cube and you have a % somewhere in screen with some notifications, the % loads up as you fill stuff in the seed/cube and the notifications tell you why that % is # you’re seeing. So, “I” add a dust seg in cube and the % goes to 40% from 0% with a notification “ah good but there’s more to find!”, that tells me that there’s more to find (or at least previous person(s) have added more), then i add some more dust and it jumps to 99.9% with a notification “Yay! looks like you have found everything the others before you did, maybe there’s more to find?” (ok not such large msgs but you get the point lol), so that’s good I’ve found as much as the other(s) before me.

Then I add a nice big bouton and it jumps to 50%, oh no! theyve missed it. So when I no longer can find anything to add I can either submit (if im not a scythe or I just prefer to reap from review) or escape go to inspect and retrace and reap from there.

“Real Time cube’s accuracy predictor” could be the next big “update” to activity tracker telling you real time what the % in cube is based on previous ppl and I could see ppl going “ive added something big and it tells me i’ll get 50%, can someone please watch me?” Or the antipodal version: “I cant find anything more to add and it’s telling me I am going to get 40% can someone please check/watch me?” but I can also see why it could be stressful to ppl (so option in gear cog to enable/disable yay! lol)

but I have no idea how feasible/doable it is to begin with lol either for player script or for official ew dev. lol

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Interesting idea :slight_smile: Not sure, if doable and how will people react, but I will investigate.


I can see it beeing useful in a training kind of setting but i think a feature like that would be to confussing unless you only have it on wt 3+ cubes. Mostly the wt 3 cubes are complete so you would not get a lot of “you have only found 40% this big merger segments are missing”. But i can absolutely see this as a kind of added training while we wait on the new tutorial. On the other hand it could also be a sleeping pillow look i have got 100% no need to look for more.

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i was thinking it for wt1+ with tbs giving a msg “cant display accuracy, no consensus in cube.”

and yeah ive thought abt that (the not look for more after seeing 100%) but it would be "redemable when after activity tracker shows less than 100% they ask in chat and ppl go “did you look for more that others may have missed?” llol then in future cubes they look for more.