What is your go-to Lesson Plan website?

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PBS Learning Media

And for neuroscience specifically: Brain Facts

What other general or neuroscience specific lesson plan websites do you guys use?

there’s also https://www.futurelearn.com/ that has many different subjects and is free. MIT has started giving free online lessons too.

CourseSource is a great resource. :slight_smile:

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History and Discover channels on tv. Quora and other sites on the web

Thanks for sharing great resources. I have tried coursera for my programming course and received great help. Also Used to take help from essay writer service for my exam purpose.

I do OCW - open courseware and MOOCs - massively open online courses. Like @Nseraf mentioned, mit has them: ocw.mit.edu and edx.org. Then again, eyewire has one of their own https://science.eyewire.org/

I actually plan to post my own on my personal website one day. You’ll see it here: brittany-bunk.weebly.com

I would also mention Khan Academy. It’s completely free and non-profit and offers very much stuff for school and beyond (just rewatched their immune system stuff in university), especially their math part is good, very many interactive online practices with solutions and explanations. I also learned there the basics of Javascript.

As for Neuroscience I recommend Weekly BrainPost, an e-mail newsletter which sums up every week 2-3 new papers into:

  1. The takeaway
  2. What’s the science?
  3. How did they do it?
  4. What did they find?
  5. What’s the impact?

They add self-drawn pictures (no horrible figures from papers!) and explain it short & simplified, while still providing links from some keywords to good websites which expain the concepts in more depth.

I like the websites which you mentioned, I also use them!