Show Off Your Eyewire Swag!

That’s awesome!!


My medal arrived.


Ohhh a lot of col pictures there ! Congrats everyone for geing part of that ! :smiley:

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Happy mail!!! My cute Nurro t-shirt is finally here and the stickers also!!! thank you @susi and ew hq!


aww it’s so cute!

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me too, thanks for the card i enjoy it every year / :slight_smile:
I “know” you all, except Monica ?


Monica is our current art intern! She’s been with us since June :slight_smile:

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cool! Looking good!

@Susi i received my gifts some week ago but never had time to post anything, sorry.
I do not have pic, but thank you so much for the shirt ( with Grimm of course :grin: ) and stickers and soooo much for the 2019 calendar !

yw :slight_smile: busy in Spain?

unfortunately Naaaaa :laughing:
Busy with a new job that take me a lot of time, i’m kinda working 15h per day, so i just have a few minutes a day for EW.
Also i unfortunately received back my new year card for you :disappointed_relieved: I was apparently wrong in the adress i wrote on the card. Could you send it to me by mail please ?

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This mug render really nice ! And it’s always sooo cool to see EW on another screen :smiley:

The announcement of the next competition reminded me to post this. First time i won stickers at eyewire, never forget this exciting evening i attend at trivia in november last year :smiley:


Yay that’s fantastic!

Those are long hours, so I really admire that. I have a new job that’s 6 days a week. It’s only 8 hours a day, but massive work during that time. So 15 would be insurmountable for me. I also don’t have much time, only here and there too. Hope it’s going well and that you’re doing cool stuff!

Yay! My swag for Undersea Odyssey arrived! What a beautiful tote! Just fine enough for Moritz. Thanks! :slight_smile:


Yay @amy !

Thanks for the cards as to Night at the museum art contest and your words!
Nurro is such a lovely guy and also a exceptionally gifted sprayer!
Neo will be as fascinating as eyewire :slight_smile:


Yayyyy we’re so glad you like them! Nurro gave a big purr for you :slight_smile: