[Request] Cube Checked

Hello Admins and alllllll !

I think, especially for Scouts and Scythes, that it would be a good “Workflow Nitro” to have a “Check” button nearby the Flag, to colorize the cubes and having a good view of what we already had check.

It’s simple to write on a Notepad IDs of reviewed cubes, and the Flag is good, but it’s really not enough. I could really be more efficient and fast in Scouting if i could see what i already done in one second !

I’m in a cell right now and there’s all thoses scythed, flagged, voted cubes… i totally don’t know which one i already scouted (except the Flagged ones of course) and i lose so much time to check cubes i already had.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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Interesting, I checked on the minion account (scout account admins have created so that us (scythes) can check how a scout account is, use it for demos, vids etc) and you guys (scouts) don’t have the “show me me” button lol. show me me shows all cubes completed 1st click, all cubes reaped 2nd click, normal heatmap 3rd click. ofc that doesnt show you all cubes you’ve selected and/or inspected without flagging/reaped/completed but it’s something lol.

deep purple completes, cyan-ish reaps.